Sunday, February 3, 2008

the one and only

9.30 p.m
The night we will never forget
All of us gathered just to see u off
Hugging and shaking hands
Advices and good luck wishes
Knowing it's the best for u
knowing it's important for u
But with a heavy heart, we let u go

For the past 5 years
We see each other everyday
For the next 5 years
I dont think it'll be the same
Yet, we hold our tears tonight - as hard as we can

But remember, and always remember that
We will always pray for the best for u
We will always miss u
We will always support u
And we will always love u

To me,
u are the one who taught me to play the sims
who made me cry and laugh since I was little
who supported me the whole time in everything i did
and who will always be my brother.
Dont ever forget
From this place we called home

I wish u all the best.

To my one and only brother:

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